Entry #10 A big Thank You to You All

Writing this blog was such a huge help in practicing my writing skills and further bettering it, and I just loved everything about it. I'm a very opinionated person and being able to share what I have to say to my audience was extremely fun. This blog helped me form my understanding of rhetoric and how to find my voice and audience, and I will definitely use this information in the future. This is my second attempt at writing a blog, my last attempt was for English 101 last semester. Looking back I think my writing has grown a lot, my entries were well written and I really knew who my audience was. At first, I thought creating a blog would be extremely difficult and I was very hesitant at first, but as the weeks went by I felt very comfortable with creating an entry every week. Don't get me wrong, coming up with a new and interesting entry topic was a bit challenging at times but I did my best! This is sadly my last entry on this blog and I just want to thank my audience for sticking around a being entertained, I appreciate it a lot. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

