Entry #2 April Movie Review!

For the past few months I have watched tons and TONS of new movies and today I thought I would share one of my favorite movies that I watched. Enjoy!

The Basketball Diaries (1995)

This intense movie drama stars Leonardo Dicaprio (personally one of my favorite actors of all time), and many others like Mark Wahlberg and Bruno Kirby. The movie is about a teenage kid named Jim Caroll (played by Leonardo Dicaprio) who his school star basketball player. He feels the pressure to be this amazing basketball player and a good son. Later in the movie, Jim finds himself lonely and hopeless so he turns to drugs to help ease his pain and suffering. As the movie plays through we see him becoming more and more addicted to hard drugs especially cocaine, and trying to find more ways to steal money to feed his addiction. The portrayal of the character from Leo was a big 10/10 for me because of how well he executed his emotions and the realistic characteristics of an addict. There was a moment in the movie where Leo's character is hysterically crying behind his mother's closed-door begging her to open up and give him money to buy drugs. His acting was extremely tough to watch which made me connect with his character more which was great. If you love Leonardo Dicaprio or you're in the need for a new movie to watch, I highly recommend this excellent Drama!

Heres a link to the scene that really made me love the movie even more. (This link does contain spoilers so watch at your own risk!) Click here


  1. Your first few entries are pretty good, Brian. Your writing flows well, and your personality is starting to show. Good. You have some good ideas and topics for discussion. Keep working on developing your content; dig deeper into your analysis to create greater significance for your audience. Don't be too brief. Keep at it!


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