Entry #3 Why Arizona needs more college grads

In the Article "Why Arizona needs more college grads" by Doug Ducey, he starts it off by talking to the audience which I would assume is parents/students in a calm tone. He wants his audience to feel like he really cares for them and is not putting on an act. Reading this article kind of gave me a heads up about what I should be looking into for my college life. He mentions that some students go down the community college path and take the two-year transfer route which I am trying to achieve currently. Going through this article I like how he keeps his tone of writing in a calm and easy-going style. He clearly knows his audience won't want somebody to be preaching at them but instead of connecting with them and actually tell them useful information, they might want to know. Ducey talks about how he joined the Achieve 60 AZ effort to improve the educational attainment in Arizona. He wants to raise the bar of education in Arizona and I'm all for it because everyone knows that Arizona's education is lacking and we need some change finally. This affects me because, in order to get the best education possible, someone has to be their fight for us. I love how he shows his audience some future numbers of what could happen to Arizona if his for the state happens. He mentions that Arizona's poverty rate will go down, there will be more jobs, and higher wages, he's giving his audience some hope to look forward to. Reading this I really trust Ducey on his word because of how passionate and determined he sounds through his writing.

Thank's for coming back to my blog and hearing about what I have to say, come back for more entries this week!
