Entry #4 Artists of the week

When it comes to listening to music, I would say it's like an obsession for me. I constantly find myself listening to all kinds of artists every week, and today I thought I'd like to share my two favorite artists and their albums, enjoy!

"Future Nostalgia" by Dua Lipa
Dua Lipa
 Dua Lipa is a new artist that has been around for about 2 years in the music industry. Her Debut album "Transporter" was released in 2017 and went platinum in the United States. Today I want to talk about her newly released sophomore album "Future Nostalgia." The album is a mix between disco and pop and was meant to give it's listeners a nostalgic feeling as it is mentioned in its title. When I first listened to the album I was instantly transformed into the '80s because of the way it was produced. This was my first time listening to Dua Lipa and I wasn't disappointed at all, in my opinion, this album could be one of the best albums of 2020 so far. I highly recommend you guys
give it a listen if you haven't already and you want something new to listen to! I'd give this album a 9/10 because it was simply brilliant.

                                               Harry Styles
You may know Harry Styles as one of the members of the popular band "One Direction" before they broke up in 2016. In 2017 he released his debut album "Harry Styles" in 2017 and it debuted at #1 on the Billboard top 200. His sophomore album "Fine Line" was later released in 2019 and it's what I want to discuss today. The album "Fine Line" is a mix between rock and psychedelic pop and it showed a new sound for Harry that we haven't heard from him yet. This album has been on REPEAT for me because I just cannot stop listening. The production and vocals on the album just brought everything together in an excellent way, and every song just puts me in a summertime mood. I guarantee if you give it a listen you will love it! The single "Adore you" is my favorite, by the way, I would also give this album a 9/10 too.

Thank you guys for sticking around again, I'll be posting another entry tomorrow so stick around! -Brian
