Entry #5 Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story"

Michael Moore's documentary "Capitalism: A Love Story" shows the audience the raw side of America during the time of Capitalism. This movie shows us how we the Americans felt and how we lived while this system was in place. Michael Moore showed how emotional this time was for people because of how badly the 1% treated 95% of Americans. He showed many Americans getting evicted out of there homes with little to no sympathy from the banks, and I think he did that to make us feel angry about what we were seeing. And it worked. While watching these Americans basically lose hope because of what is happening to them, all I could notice was the smug faces of the bank owners practically ripping their lives from them. Michael Moore's reason to add all this raw and emotional footage was, in fact, to get people like me to get angry and rile up to make a change to stop this. I also noticed that Moore used sarcasm during his narration most of the time to really paint out a picture of "the villain" in the movie. Whenever he showed corporate America he always asked questions and refute their claims in a way that's gonna make his viewers think and probably agree with what he is saying. That's a smart tactic for this movie because the films whole point is to get Americans to get angry and want change. One scene that really made me upset was the scene where the "delinquent" teens were emotionally talking about their sentencing's for stupid "crimes." One kid got sentenced for 9 months just for smoking pot and the judge who sentenced him didn't even have the decency to look at him. Michael Moore ends the movie off by showing us how Obama and the word "Socialist" changed America. I like how he put us through an emotional whirlwind in the beginning and ends with a change in tone and setting. His movie seemed very well thought out and perfectly put together. I'm glad I got to watch this movie and get educated on what was going on in America when I was young.

As always, thank you for reading!
