Entry #6 Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" pt:2

This is a continuation of my last blog post and today I will be talking about my opinions about Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story." Michael Moore's film is about America during the time of capitalism and how it changed everyone's life. He used sadness and anger to his advantage to try and start an uprising through his movie. I liked the way he used sarcasm in his narration, I said that in my last post but I found it very successful. I think he used it to make his audience agree with him without having to be angry and demanding. I was a bit standoffish at the beginning of the movie but once I got through it, I was glad that I watched. I have always heard the term "Capitalism" in my past history classes and I never really knew what it meant, but watching this movie I clearly know what it is and I hope it won't come back (PLEASE). One thing that was cool about the movie was seeing how Moore roamed the sidewalks of Wall Street and exposed the targeted enemies. The bank security and employees didn't want anything to do with him, which kind of told me that they probably know they're at fault with how our economy went down during the time. That gave the movie a bit of laughter but also passion, you see how he wanted not only the companies to listen but he wanted the world to listen. We see the people of New York taking pictures of him and some of them are actually agreeing with him, his small protest was being heard. Like I said before I highly recommend this film if you want to learn a thing or two about Capitalism.

Thank you for reading!
