Entry #7 The Hashtag

The hashtag is a common thing among social media and social media users. What used to be the pound sign now has a new name and has taken the media by storm. Hashtags are used in media to either make a statement or a new movement or simply just to organize posts that correlate to that specific hashtag. For me, I like to use my hashtags more to organize my posts like I just mentioned. I find it easier to go through my posts that use the same hashtags instead of scrolling for hours (that would be tiring haha). When I first started Instagram about 8 years ago, hashtags were a big thing to help you gain followers and viewers. I use to download tons of apps that would let me know what kind of hashtags are popular at the time like #love, #cute, or #follow4follow. Like the 10 year old I was, I did what it told me to and low and behold I gained a decent amount of followers. Fast forward to know I don't use hashtags that often because I have enough followers where I don't really need them like I used to. In today's society, I feel that hashtags are more popular on Twitter than any other app now. Twitter uses hashtags to update its users on what's going on in the world at that moment, what's really trending currently. Currently, the hashtags have all been about the coronavirus and what's happening with the world as of right now. I feel hashtags have made society a lot easier because that's where our news is located most of the time, we don't have to wait for broadcast or a news article, it's there in a matter of seconds. It may seem silly and a very "millennial" thing to say, but I'd prefer them over anything.

Thanks for sticking around for another blog post, as always.

