Entry #9 The Power of The Media

While researching media and the different aspects of it over the past few weeks, I learned a lot of interesting things. Media has changed in so many ways and I'll tell you why. So my first approach was to scroll through the media outlets I have downloaded on my phone and see what I notice. Right off the bat, I noticed a lot of advertisements, mostly from media influencers getting paid for these endorsements. It made me wonder why these big advertisements chose media influencers like famous Tik Tok stars and Youtubers to endorse their brands instead of huge named celebrities. I had a feeling that they did this because they know that teens and kids of today recognize these media celebrities instead of the older celebrities we may know and that they can reach a bigger audience with these stars. To me, social media has turned into a big profit instead of a place where you can just interact with friends and family. I'm sure everyone can agree that we see tons of ads every day on social media apps and I'm not the only one that's getting tired of it. Ads have taken over to the point where sometimes I catch myself scrolling through Instagram and finding an advertisement of something that I literally talked about an hour ago, it's a bit creepy if they're are listening to me now. I have also noticed that the news barely talks about actual news anymore but instead, they talk bad about its rival political parties. I can't count how many times I've seen adult news anchors bash Millenials instead of talking about the bigger picture in our world today. I'm saying this because I'm even noticing my parents believing what they're saying and sticking with it. I had a discussion about climate change with them and they just kept saying "it's fake news" because they heard it on lots of news outlets. Media is just a toxic place in my opinion and it's getting a bit tiring for me.

-Thank you
